Level Goal
The password for the next level can be retrieved by submitting the password of the current level to port 30000 on localhost.
Commands you may need to solve this level
ssh, telnet, nc, openssl, s_client, nmap
Helpful Reading Material
- How the Internet works in 5 minutes (YouTube) (Not completely accurate, but good enough for beginners)
- IP Addresses
- IP Address on Wikipedia
- Localhost on Wikipedia
- Ports
- Port (computer networking) on Wikipedia
0. 로그인
Bandit Level 13 → Level 14 풀이 참조
1. 비밀번호 확인
bandit14@bandit:~$ cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit14
2. nc로 30000 포트에 비밀번호응답.
bandit14@bandit:~$ echo 4wcYUJFw0k0XLShlDzztnTBHiqxU3b3e | nc localhost 30000
3. bandit15 비밀번호