

[파이썬] win32com μž‘μ—… μŠ€μΌ€μ€„λŸ¬ μ½”λ“œ

# Uses the COM Task Scheduler Interface to create a task # scheduled to execute when the current user logs on. import win32com.client import os computer_name = "" #leave all blank for current computer, current user computer_username = "" computer_userdomain = "" computer_password = "" action_id = "Test Task" #arbitrary action ID action_path = r"c:\windows\system32\calc.exe" #executable path (cou..


[파이썬] μž‘μ—… μŠ€μΌ€μ€„λŸ¬ 등둝 파이썬 μ½”λ“œ

μ‘μš© ν”„λ‘œκ·Έλž¨ProgID Microsoft Access Access.Application Microsoft Excel Excel.Application Microsoft Outlook Outlook.Application Microsoft PowerPoint Powerpoint.Application Microsoft Word Word.Application Microsoft FrontPage FrontPage.Application import datetime import win32com.client scheduler = win32com.client.Dispatch('Schedule.Service') scheduler.Connect() root_folder = scheduler.GetFolder('\\') ta..


[파이썬] 배포 μžλ™ν™” μ°Έκ³  μ½”λ“œ

https://sucrearn.tistory.com/3 Pyinstaller둜 λ§Œλ“  ν”„λ‘œκ·Έλž¨ μžλ™ μ—…λ°μ΄νŠΈ 적용기 졜근 νšŒμ‚¬μ—μ„œ νŒŒμ΄μ¬μ„ μ΄μš©ν•œ μ†”λ£¨μ…˜ κ°œλ°œμ„ μ‹œμž‘ν•˜κ²Œ 됐닀. ν•΄λ‹Ή μ†”λ£¨μ…˜ κ°œλ°œμ— λͺ‡κ°€μ§€ 쑰건이 μžˆμ—ˆλŠ”λ°, 크게 λ‹€μŒ 두가지가 κ°€μž₯ μ€‘μš”ν–ˆλ‹€. 파이썬으둜 κ°œλ°œν•˜κ³ , 독립싀행이 κ°€λŠ₯ν•  것 μ—¬ sucrearn.tistory.com


[파이썬] ν…μŠ€νŠΈ 파일 인코딩 λ³€ν™˜ ν•¨μˆ˜

파일의 인코딩을 utf-8둜 λ³€ν™˜ν•˜λŠ” ν•¨μˆ˜μ΄λ‹€. chardet νŒ¨μΉ˜ν‚€ μ„€μΉ˜κ°€ ν•„μš”ν•˜λ‹€ import chardet # νŒ¨ν‚€μ§€ μ„€μΉ˜ ν•„μš” # file_path -> Encoding Type def is_encoded(file_path: str): rawdata = open(file_path, mode='rb').read() data = chardet.detect(rawdata) result = data['encoding'] return result # File_path, Encoding_Type -> Change Files encoding type def to_utf8(file_path: str, encoding_in: str): try: with open(file_path, 'r', encoding=enc..


[파이썬] ꡬ글 크둀링 μ‹œ UserAgent 및 Coockie μ„€μ • ν•˜μž

크둀링 μ‹œ User-Agent 및 Cookieλ₯Ό μ„€μ •ν•œλ‹€. λ§‰νžˆκ²Œ 되면 Cookie 값을 κ°±μ‹ ν•΄μ£Όμž headers = {'User-Agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.63 Safari/537.36", 'Cookie': 'GSP=A=7_cV4w:CPTS=1654785473:LM=1654785473:S=n9a7P7syvEx3nONo; NID=511=MyGhFfwN2Y_7VS3Uf5iH34nuwysQS2BKgP5rIg3unnXniEC0D96W480QTrgX5u0ZpK85OrRfTt4-qvX_gcM11bpdbxPN0ApykvA3t_PBg14yAx0QrRhv..


[파이썬] κ°€μ΄λ“œλΆ

Python Functions: Advanced Concepts • Python Land Tutorial Python Functions: Advanced Concepts Do you know all about Python functions? These advanced functions concepts will surely teach you something new and help you improve your code. python.land https://wikidocs.net/109303 029 μˆœμ„œλŒ€λ‘œ μ’Œν‘œλ₯Ό μ •λ ¬ν•˜λ €λ©΄? ― functools.cmp_to_key functools.cmp_to_key(func)λŠ” sorted()와 같은 μ •λ ¬ ν•¨μˆ˜μ˜ key λ§€κ°œλ³€μˆ˜μ— ν•¨μˆ˜(func)λ₯Ό 전달할 λ•Œ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜λŠ”..


[파이썬] 데이터 쑰회 속도 κ°œμ„ 

https://victorydntmd.tistory.com/313 [Elasticsearch] μž…λ¬Έν•˜κΈ°(3) - λ‹€μ–‘ν•œ 검색 방법 ( Search API ) ESλŠ” 검색 엔진인 만큼 λ‹€μ–‘ν•œ 검색 APIλ₯Ό μ œκ³΅ν•˜λ©°, 이λ₯Ό 잘 μ•Œμ•„μ•Ό ESλ₯Ό 효과적으둜 μ‚¬μš©ν•  수 μžˆμ„ 것이라 μƒκ°ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€. 이번 κΈ€μ—μ„œλŠ” Search API에 λŒ€ν•΄ μ•Œμ•„λ³΄κ² μŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. λ‹€μŒ κΈ€ Query DSL을 닀루기 victorydntmd.tistory.com http://labs.brandi.co.kr/2021/07/08/leekh.html AWS Elasticsearch + Python을 ν™œμš©ν•œ '검색' 도전기 Overview labs.brandi.co.kr https://db-engines.com/en/ranking/search+engine..


[파이썬] 크둀링 속도 κ°œμ„  방법

파이썬 크둀링을 더 λΉ λ₯΄κ²Œ μˆ˜ν–‰ν•˜λŠ” λͺ‡ 가지 방법을 μ œμ•ˆν•΄ λ“œλ¦¬κ² μŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. 비동기 처리(Asynchronous Processing) μ‚¬μš©: 비동기 μ²˜λ¦¬λŠ” μ½”λ“œλ₯Ό μ‹€ν–‰ν•˜λŠ” λ™μ•ˆ λ‹€λ₯Έ μ½”λ“œ 싀행을 μ€‘λ‹¨ν•˜μ§€ μ•Šκ³ λ„ λ³‘λ ¬λ‘œ μž‘μ—…μ„ μ²˜λ¦¬ν•  수 μžˆλ„λ‘ ν•˜λŠ” κΈ°μˆ μž…λ‹ˆλ‹€. 비동기 처리λ₯Ό μ‚¬μš©ν•˜λ©΄ 더 λΉ λ₯΄κ²Œ μ›Ή μ‚¬μ΄νŠΈμ—μ„œ 데이터λ₯Ό κ°€μ Έμ˜¬ 수 μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. 예λ₯Ό λ“€μ–΄, asyncio와 aiohttp λͺ¨λ“ˆμ„ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜μ—¬ 비동기 HTTP μš”μ²­μ„ μ²˜λ¦¬ν•  수 μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. λ©€ν‹°μŠ€λ ˆλ”© λ˜λŠ” λ©€ν‹°ν”„λ‘œμ„Έμ‹± μ‚¬μš©: λ©€ν‹°μŠ€λ ˆλ”© λ˜λŠ” λ©€ν‹°ν”„λ‘œμ„Έμ‹±μ„ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜μ—¬ CPU 및 I/O λ°”μš΄λ“œ μž‘μ—…μ„ λ³‘λ ¬λ‘œ μ²˜λ¦¬ν•  수 μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. CPU λ°”μš΄λ“œ μž‘μ—…μ€ 계산 집약적 μž‘μ—…μœΌλ‘œμ„œ, λ©€ν‹°ν”„λ‘œμ„Έμ‹±μ„ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜μ—¬ μ²˜λ¦¬ν•  수 μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. I/O λ°”μš΄λ“œ μž‘μ—…μ€ λ„€νŠΈμ›Œν¬ λ˜λŠ” λ””μŠ€ν¬ I..


[파이썬] ν”„λ‘œμ„ΈμŠ€ 핸듀링

파이썬으둜 Process List, PID 와 Process Kill (tistory.com) 파이썬으둜 Process List, PID 와 Process Kill νŠΉμ • μ•…μ„±μ½”λ“œλŠ” μžμ‹ μ˜ μ•…μ„±ν–‰μœ„λ₯Ό ν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•΄ ν˜„μž¬ μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ˜ ν”„λ‘œμ„ΈμŠ€μ˜ 리슀트λ₯Ό μ–»μ–΄μ˜€κ³ , μ’…λ£Œν•˜κΈ°λ₯Ό ν•œκΈ°λ₯Ό ν•œλ‹€. 예λ₯Ό λ“€μ–΄ AVν”„λ‘œκ·Έλž¨μ„ μ°Ύκ±°λ‚˜ μ•…μ„±ν–‰μœ„μ— 쒅속성을 가진 ν”„λ‘œμ„ΈμŠ€λ₯Ό c0mb.tistory.com

'πŸžν”„λ‘œκ·Έλž˜λ°' μΉ΄ν…Œκ³ λ¦¬μ˜ κΈ€ λͺ©λ‘ (4 Page)